Oil’s Rollercoaster: From Record Inventory Draws to Swift Rebounds

By Tomasz Wisniewski|

Published: August 04 2023, 06:17 GMT+0

Oil’s Rollercoaster: From Record Inventory Draws to Swift Rebounds

As financial aficionados would confirm, sometimes two days can encapsulate an entire week’s worth of activity. Such was the case with the market’s performance on Thursday and Friday.

Thursday opened with a barrage of economic indicators. Switzerland’s inflation met predictions, holding steady at -0.1%, reflecting perhaps a broader stability in the nation’s economy. Yet, the spotlight swiftly shifted to the UK, as the Bank of England, in a move that aligned with market anticipation, increased interest rates by 25 basis points. This decision, a testament to the nation’s evolving financial strategy, sets a precedent for other central banks to follow in the near future.

However, the US had its share of underperformances. ISM services PMIs, closely watched for their pulse on the non-manufacturing sectors, slightly disappointed, coming in at 52.7 against an expected 53.1. This subtle decline hints at potential challenges in the service sector’s growth.

In the corporate realm, tech juggernauts Apple and Amazon released their earnings, creating ripples across the tech sector. Both companies exceeded expectations, but Amazon’s EPS truly shone, nearly doubling the forecasted figure.

Friday commenced with the air thick with anticipation. Being the first Friday of the month, the non-farm payrolls are keenly awaited, with analysts predicting a number echoing last month’s 205,000. The unemployment rate, meanwhile, is poised to hold steady at 3.6%.

On the stock market front, the indices have been on a tumultuous ride. With a correction at the beginning of the week, by Thursday there were concerted efforts to stabilize. Nasdaq, showcasing its resilience, managed to bounce back after testing the key 15,250 point support. If it continues to hold above this line, the sentiment could remain upbeat.

Forex markets have been no less dynamic. While the American dollar was the belle of the ball for most of the week, Thursday saw it cede some ground. The yen and the Swiss franc emerged as the frontrunners, capitalizing on the dollar’s momentary lapse. The Australian dollar, still grappling with the aftershocks of the Reserve Bank’s surprise earlier in the week, showed early signs of recovery on Friday.

Commodities, however, presented a mixed bag. Precious metals like gold and silver, under the weight of the buoyant American dollar, witnessed downward pressures. Oil, on the other hand, charted its own course. Despite the largest ever draw in crude oil inventories on Wednesday, it surprisingly plummeted. However, Thursday offered a silver lining, as oil prices surged, almost offsetting the previous day’s losses.

As the financial day progresses, the community waits with bated breath for Sony and Merck’s earnings releases. With so much happening, traders and investors alike are reminded that in the world of finance, adaptability remains key.


Source: https://www.axiory.com/analytics/market-news/oil-s-rollercoaster-from-record-inventory-draws-to
